Change is Coming
Have you seen the sign in front of the church? It now says, “Change is coming.” What is your initial reaction? Without even knowing what that change might be, some of us start to cringe while others pump their fist and say, “let’s go.” The suggestion of change usually evokes some kind of reaction - - whether positive or negative.

Are you curious about what we are referring to with the sign, “Change is coming?” Actually, we are not referring to any particular change. The reality is we are going to face change in our lives no matter what, so it’s healthy to be prepared. However, in regards to change in the church in order to become the church God wants us to be, we have to be open and ready for change. In other words, the church needs to be fluid and adaptable. Of course, I am not talking about compromising the Gospel or adapting and changing the Word of God. Part of the reason change is necessary is because we must judge our attitudes and actions against the Word of God. If our ways are not in line with God’s then we must change our ways.
A ‘positive’ about being a church that is willing to change is it sends a message to those around us that we recognize the work of the church isn’t just about our preferences, that we are open to making changes to better serve others.
Starting October 31st we are going to begin a series called, “The Adaptable Church.“ Here are some of the topics we will be covering:
Biblical Reasons for Change – There is a lot of change in the Bible. Here are three reasons for it.
Repentance – There is a lot of change that takes place when we turn to Christ and leave the old life behind. There are changes inside of us and in our behavior.
Following God’s will – when we follow God’s lead there will inevitably be change.
In order to reach the lost – Paul writes, I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some (1 Corinthians 9:22b). This really speaks to our willingness to adapt to those we are trying to reach.
The Proper Attitude Toward Change - It is not something we should fear. However, it isn’t something we should take lightly either, especially if we are talking about change that impacts the whole church. Change should be approached with discernment and faith.
Being Change Agents- God can use us in people’s lives and in our culture to point others to Him. We have the great privilege of influencing others for Christ. It’s called letting our light shine.
I am looking forward to opening up God’s Word with you and discussing this fascinating topic of change. As we do, I am praying that God will bring the necessary change in our lives and church to fulfill our mission.